Have you ever found yourself wishing that parenting came with a very specific manual that could guide you through all the challenges from dealing with RSV all the way up to helping your child with their college applications? We all do. Unfortunately every child and situation is very different and parenting is one of those trust your gut experiences the whole way through.
One thing that will always keep you on the right path as parents, whether this is your first child or your twelfth, is having a doctor by your side that will guide you through the joys and challenges of being a mom or dad in the Twenty First Century.
5 Mistake Parents Make, According to a Pediatric ENT
Here at Dr. Noze Best, we are an incredibly education focused, family first company, and our CEO, Dr. Steve Goudy is a renowned pediatric ENT who still sees patients on a daily basis. Since he created our hero product, The NozeBot in response to families’ frustration with nasal suction devices currently on the market, he continues to educate and share what he learns and sees on a daily basis.
So that you can keep your little ones safe and out of the doctor’s office, Dr. Goudy recently shared the five things he has noted most that are mistakes parents make. Knowing these ahead of time will help you be extra alert on a daily basis, no one wants to end up in the emergency room, after all.
Mistake #1: Letting kids run while holding objects in their mouth.
Running with anything can be incredibly dangerous for children. If they have a toy that they have to carry everywhere they go or are eating, kiddos of all ages should be always be seated. This is especially important if they are holding something in their mouth, even something as seemingly innocent as a popsicle can hit and split their palate if they trip and fall. Help your little ones get in the habit of keeping non-food items out of their mouth as well as never running with anything in their mouth.
Mistake #2: Giving young kids nuts.
We don’t need to remind you that nuts are hard and even if your little ones have developed strong molars, it’s always best to be more cautious and keep nuts of any kind out of their reach. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends not to serve marble sized foods to children under the age of 4, unless you are able to cook or cut them properly.
Mistake #3: Giving your young child grapes.
Too often, parents assume that since grapes are soft to chew that they aren’t a choking hazard, but they are. Dr. Goudy highlights giving your child grapes as a huge choking hazard because they are big and hard for little mouths to chew. The CDC says that when serving grapes to children under the age of 4 that the best practice is to slice them in half lengthwise, and make sure that they are no larger than a half inch.
Mistake #4: Giving your young children hot dogs.
Hot dogs are another popular food that Dr. Goudy recommends to steer clear from or cut and serve them properly to your kiddos. Even though just like grapes, hot dogs can seem innocent at mealtime, but are safe to serve whenever they have been cut into short strips, rather than long pieces. If possible, removing the skin on the hot dog can be helpful, too, especially for toddlers just learning to eat table foods. It’s also advised to make sure that the hot dog and all foods in general being fed to the under four year old crowd are no larger than the size of a nickel, or the average size of a child's throat.
Mistake #5: Having button batteries in your home.
Button batteries can be one of the most dangerous things to ever have around a small food because they look like candy and little ones always want to put whatever they find directly in their mouth. If a child does swallow a button battery, it will go into their esophagus and perforate (or erode) into their aorta and become a life threatening situation. Please keep these out of your home as much as possible or out of reach of little hands. You can learn more about the dangers of button batteries from Dr. Goudy HERE.
We hope that learning more about what to watch out for helps your parenting journey, even just a little bit! Dr. Goudy shared tips and tricks regularly, so make sure you sign up for our newsletter to stay informed.
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