Raising children and having a career at the same time is not easy, to say the least. You must learn the art of chaotic balance, knowing to expect the unexpected pretty much on a daily basis. Organized chaos is the perfect way to describe the daily life of a working parent on a good day.
But what happens when your baby or children get sick? Your day takes a different turn and overwhelm can wash over you faster than you can say “time to call the pediatrician!”
Work From Home Tips For Parents With a Sick Kid
First, we want to remind you that you are a rockstar. Navigating between work meetings and a child who just wants to be comforted all day is challenging. It all boils down to productivity and being able to accomplish as much as you can during short pockets of time - without burning out!
We’ve been there and are sharing our team’s tips, hacks, and everything we’ve learned over the years when working from home with a sick kiddo.
Batch together similar tasks to make time for cuddles.
If you have regular tasks that you need to get done during your work day, batch them together. This will not only streamline your progress but give you more time for cuddles with your sick little one. These little breaks are important because kids tend to act out and get into things whenever they know they aren’t being paid attention to.
Set a timer when doing tasks.
Put that timer on your phone to good use! This is extra helpful because not only does it help you designate certain periods of time for certain things, but it acts as a reminder for your children and allows them to rest alongside you while you work. They know that they have to be quiet, and then they can ask for things again when the timer goes off.
Get the bulk of your work done during your high-energy times of the day.
Do you consider yourself a morning, afternoon, or evening person? When you are able to hone in on your high-energy times of day, you will know when to schedule the tasks to complete that require the most focus. Working during nap time is great, too!
Eliminate housework and chores for the day.
Just don’t even try because it’s not going to get done.
And on that note…order dinner!
Give yourself some grace and open up that Uber Eats app.
Involve your little one as much as possible.
Little ones are so busy and even when they aren’t feeling good, still want to be involved in what their parents are up to. Even doing something as simple as giving them a notebook to write as you take notes, or letting them have extra screen time alongside you, will make them feel included, important, and distracted from not feeling well.
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The Nozebot is a battery-powered suction device designed to clear nasal congestion in babies and children.